问题:进销存系统初始化无租户 id
### Error querying database. Cause: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown column 'tenant_id' in 'field list'
### The error may exist in file [D:\project\JSH_ERP\target\classes\mapper_xml\UserMapper.xml]
### The error may involve com.jsh.erp.datasource.mappers.UserMapper.selectByExample-Inline
### The error occurred while setting parameters
### SQL: SELECT id, username, loginame, password, position, department, email, phonenum, ismanager, isystem, Status, description, remark, tenant_id FROM jsh_user WHERE (loginame = ?)
### Cause: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown column 'tenant_id' in 'field list'
; bad SQL grammar []; nested exception is com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown column 'tenant_id' in 'field list'
执行如下 sql
-- ----------------------------
-- 时间:2019年3月18日
-- version:1.0.11
-- 此次更新
-- 1、批量增加大部分表的tenant_id租户字段
-- 特别提醒:之后的sql都是在之前基础上迭代,可以对已存在的系统进行数据保留更新
-- ----------------------------
alter table jsh_account add tenant_id bigint(20) DEFAULT null COMMENT '租户id';
alter table jsh_accounthead add tenant_id bigint(20) DEFAULT null COMMENT '租户id';
alter table jsh_accountitem add tenant_id bigint(20) DEFAULT null COMMENT '租户id';
alter table jsh_asset add tenant_id bigint(20) DEFAULT null COMMENT '租户id';
alter table jsh_assetcategory add tenant_id bigint(20) DEFAULT null COMMENT '租户id';
alter table jsh_assetname add tenant_id bigint(20) DEFAULT null COMMENT '租户id';
alter table jsh_depot add tenant_id bigint(20) DEFAULT null COMMENT '租户id';
alter table jsh_depothead add tenant_id bigint(20) DEFAULT null COMMENT '租户id';
alter table jsh_depotitem add tenant_id bigint(20) DEFAULT null COMMENT '租户id';
alter table jsh_inoutitem add tenant_id bigint(20) DEFAULT null COMMENT '租户id';
alter table jsh_log add tenant_id bigint(20) DEFAULT null COMMENT '租户id';
alter table jsh_material add tenant_id bigint(20) DEFAULT null COMMENT '租户id';
alter table jsh_materialcategory add tenant_id bigint(20) DEFAULT null COMMENT '租户id';
alter table jsh_orga_user_rel add tenant_id bigint(20) DEFAULT null COMMENT '租户id';
alter table jsh_organization add tenant_id bigint(20) DEFAULT null COMMENT '租户id';
alter table jsh_person add tenant_id bigint(20) DEFAULT null COMMENT '租户id';
alter table jsh_role add tenant_id bigint(20) DEFAULT null COMMENT '租户id';
alter table jsh_serial_number add tenant_id bigint(20) DEFAULT null COMMENT '租户id';
alter table jsh_supplier add tenant_id bigint(20) DEFAULT null COMMENT '租户id';
alter table jsh_systemconfig add tenant_id bigint(20) DEFAULT null COMMENT '租户id';
alter table jsh_unit add tenant_id bigint(20) DEFAULT null COMMENT '租户id';
alter table jsh_user add tenant_id bigint(20) DEFAULT null COMMENT '租户id';