List<DepotHeadVo4InDetail> findByAll(
@Param("beginTime") String beginTime,
@Param("endTime") String endTime,
@Param("dids") String dids);
mapper 定义
<select id="findByAll" parameterType="com.jsh.erp.datasource.entities.DepotItemExample" resultMap="ResultWithInfoExMap">
select dh.Number, di.UnitPrice,di.OperNumber,di.AllPrice
from jsh_depothead dh
inner join jsh_depotitem di on di.HeaderId=dh.id and ifnull(di.delete_Flag,'0') !='1'
where dh.OperTime >=#{beginTime} and dh.OperTime <=#{endTime}
<if test="dids != null and dids != ''">
and di.DepotId in
<foreach item="did" index="index" collection="dids.split(',')" open="(" separator="," close=")">
and ifnull(dh.delete_Flag,'0') !='1'
ORDER BY OperTime DESC,Number desc
int batchDeleteSerialNumberByIds(@Param("updateTime") Date updateTime,
@Param("updater") Long updater, @Param("ids") String ids[]);
mapper 定义
<update id="batchDeleteSerialNumberByIds">
update jsh_serial_number
set update_Time=#{updateTime},updater=#{updater},delete_Flag='1'
where 1=1
and id in (
<foreach collection="ids" item="id" separator=",">
传递 List 集合
int batchDelete(@Param("voipList") List<String> voipList);
mapper 定义
<delete id="batchDelete">
DELETE FROM app_user_data_authentication
where voip in
<foreach item="item" index="index" collection="voipList" open="(" separator="," close=")">
and type = 1
int deleteByEsimInfoList(@Param("esimInfoList") List<EsimInfo> esimInfoList);
mapper 定义
<delete id="deleteByEsimInfoList">
delete from esim_info where 1=1
<if test="esimInfoList!=null">
and (eid in
<foreach item="item" index="index" collection="esimInfoList" open="(" separator="," close=")">
or imsi in
<foreach item="item" index="index" collection="esimInfoList" open="(" separator="," close=")">
传递字符串 ($ 获取参数,不安全,不建议使用)
List<DepotHeadVo4InDetail> findByAll(
@Param("beginTime") String beginTime,
@Param("endTime") String endTime,
@Param("dids") String dids);
mapper 定义
<select id="findByAll" parameterType="com.jsh.erp.datasource.entities.DepotItemExample" resultMap="ResultWithInfoExMap">
select dh.Number,di.UnitPrice,di.OperNumber,di.AllPrice
from jsh_depothead dh
inner join jsh_depotitem di on di.HeaderId=dh.id and ifnull(di.delete_Flag,'0') !='1'
where dh.OperTime >='${beginTime}' and dh.OperTime <='${endTime}'
<if test="dids != null">
and di.DepotId in (${dids})
and ifnull(dh.delete_Flag,'0') !='1'
ORDER BY OperTime DESC,Number desc
自己拼接 sql
@DeleteProvider(type = RulesProvider.class, method = "batchDelete")
int deleteStandardRule(@Param("rolesId") String ids);
拼接 sql
class RulesProvider {
/* 批量删除 */
public String batchDelete(Map map) {
String id= (String)map.get("rolesId");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("delete from devops_rules where id in (");
String [] ids=id.split(",");
for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
if (i < ids.length - 1) {
return sb.toString();